Confirm your account
Written by Emma Bell
Updated over a week ago

When logging in for the very first time, you'll be asked to confirm your email address. We'll send a unique confirmation code to your email address provided, and upon entering this confirmation code, your account will become activated allowing you to purchase tickets on the ShuttleID platform.


Why didn't I receive a confirmation code?

In the event you didn't receive a confirmation code, you can use the following steps to resolve your issue:

Double check your junk/spam folder

The most likely reason for not receiving the confirmation code is that the email is hidden in a junk/spam folder on your email account. Double check this first.

Double check the email address is correct

The next most likely reason is there was a typo in the email address provided. You can verify this by carefully double checking the email address that is listed in bold on the confirmation code screen. If there is a typo in the address, you will need to go through the registration process again but this time with the correct email address.

Create space in your email account (your inbox is full)

If your email address is definitely correct, one common reason why the confirmation code email is unable to be delivered is because the email account you specified is full, and has rejected our confirmation code email. You will need to delete existing emails and attachments in your inbox first, before new emails can be received. This is important to resolve, as you may also be missing out on important messages from other senders too. Your email provider should offer a way to check your allocated quota and usage. If this is the case, you can resend your confirmation code (described below) after making more space in your inbox.

Resend confirmation code

Try log in again, by clicking "Buy ticket" or "My tickets" from the main navigation. Log in using the account details you just created.

If the login returns an error saying the user could not be found, you may have registered your original account with a typo. In this case, register again, but taking care to type your email address correctly.

If you are able to login without issue, this will trigger a confirmation code to be resent. After checking your inbox and junk folders it still doesn't appear, this would hint your email provider is blocking the mail from being received.

Contact mail provider technical support

Rare cases may see emails from ShuttleID being completely blocked due to policies on your mail server. This is more likely to occur when using a company email account. To resolve this, you may need to escalate with the technical support department for your mail provider to ensure mail from is whitelisted.

Use a different email address

An immediate workaround would be to register a new account with a different email address.

Why isn't my confirmation code working?

If you have received your confirmation code but it is not being accepted, the following may help:

Only enter the very latest confirmation code sent

Each time you sign in with your unconfirmed account, you'll be automatically sent a new confirmation code. If you attempt to use an older confirmation code from this point, it won't work. Only the very latest confirmation code will work. We suggest registering or logging in, then waiting up to one minute, and then checking your inbox for the very latest confirmation code to arrive. If you use this latest confirmation code it will successfully complete your verification.

Double check the email address is correct

You can verify this by carefully double checking the email address that is listed in bold on the confirmation code screen. If there is a typo in the address, this is a sign you may have registered an additional account but with a typo. You will instead need to log into your original account (without typo), that received the confirmation code.

Contact support

Contact [email protected] and we will gladly assist you. Please provide the email address for your account and the exact wording of any error messages you see on screen, which are usually highlighted in red. A screenshot may also help resolve your issue quicker.

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